Brain Science for Writers Roundup 7/28/15

Jammu (North India) (396151962).jpg

"Jammu (North India) (396151962)" by Steve Evans from Citizen of the World - Jammu (North India)
Uploaded by russavia. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Livia's Pick: What your smile says about where you’re from

Livia's Pick: Shining a light on why sensory metaphors are so popular

Everything Science Knows About Reading On Screens via Passive Guy

The experiences of adults with "selective mutism", in their own words

Is sexism the reason why so many heterosexual men are prejudiced towards gay men?

Companies are more successful when their employees feel young for their age

Free will inside the Nazi death camps

Does the Justice System Neglect Forgiveness?

Fixing the Problem of Liberal Bias in Social Psychology. A reminder that all researchers have their biases.

Black victims of violent crimes aren’t treated any better by the system than Black defendants …

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Brain Science for Writers 7/21/15

"Kapseln" by user:Würfel - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Featured: The Problem of Artificial Willpower. Really interesting philosophical questions...

Featured: Being A Better Online Reader

Just two questions predict how well a pilot will handle an emergency. I wonder how much of the self reported scores is reflective of confidence vs. actual ability.

Saving For Retirement — As Simple As Counting in Days

The scaremongers were wrong: Metalheads from the 80s are thriving. Yeah, but I wonder how they do on hearing tests.

Brain wave study shows how different teaching methods affect reading development

Our jumpiness at nighttime is not just because it's dark. Keep time of day in mind as a tool for creating atmosphere.

I bought a house that is simply too big and now I have to hire a cleaning service… The humble brag is now an area of scientific inquiry.

What Your Pet Reveals about You

How Smart Should the President Be?

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Brain Science for Writers 7/14/15

IPhone at Macworld (angled view).jpg
"IPhone at Macworld (angled view)". Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

 Brain science for writers is a roundup of neuroscience and psychology articles of interest to writers.

Top Pick: The Must-Have Effect: When an Upgrade is Available, People Tend to Break What They'd Like to Replace. I love how we make up stories to justify our behavior.

Fiction writers’ perspective-taking no better than other people’s. Interesting, though I'm holding out hope that there's a test out there that will find a difference :-)

Everyday Routines Make Life Feel More Meaningful

How racial stereotypes impact the way we communicate

Common medications sway moral judgment

How social anxiety manifests on Facebook

Solitary Confinement Is Cruel and Ineffective

Is It Time to Rethink Life-without-Parole Sentencing?

Pre-Crastination: The Opposite of Procrastination

Money Can Buy Happiness If You Spend It Wisely

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Brain Science for Writers 7/7/15

Achilles by Lycomedes Louvre Ma2120.jpg

"Achilles by Lycomedes Louvre Ma2120" by Jastrow (2007). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Top: What personality features do heroes and psychopaths have in common? Goes off in a few different directions, but raises some interesting questions.

Top: How Other People Influence Our Experience of Reading

Your Facial Bone Structure Has a Big Influence on How People See You

Commenters exposed to prejudiced comments more likely to display prejudice themselves. So yeah, those crazy comment sections that you should never read? They're actually affecting you.

How baby names vary state to state

Health factors influence ex-prisoners’ chances of returning to jail

When these people look in the mirror they see a monster staring back. What it's like to have body dysmorphic disorder.

Higher Income is Related to Less Daily Sadness but Not More Daily Happiness

In Praise of (the Right Kind of) Praise

Do you think like an entrepeneur? (I got zero out of eight :-P)

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